AU is the overall coordinator of the project and in addition AU is responsible for the SSH angle on the project and deeply involved in the core technical research on the RoboSAPIENS technology, in particular regiaging the validation, verification and the trustworthy checker.
Lead in Work Package 7 – Management
Lead in Work Package 8 – Ethics requirements
Aarhus University will be coordinating the project where Professor Peter Gorm Larsen is the overall project coordinator.
He has been involved with EU research projects since 1991 and has had 30 EU projects, and he was for example coordinator for the 8M€ projects INTO-CPS and HUBCAP.
Technically, AU will provide the expertise and resources to conduct the R&D related to SSH, the mathematical and theoretical foundations for safety verification, design of robot models and integration, co-simulation and Digital Twin.
AU will also contribute in the design and validation of Deep Learning models and implementation of open-ended adaptivity algorithms on embedded platforms.
Contact details
Aarhus university
o Finlandsgade 22, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.