
Danish Technological Institute, DTI

Asset 1

DTI work in #RoboSAPIENS  to enhancing robotics for safer, efficient remanufacturing. We’re bridging human-robot collaboration gaps for a circular economy! 🤖💡♻

DTI team has been conducting robotics research, particularly on standardization for safety of flexible robots and reinforcement learning of assembly skills.

DTI will play a key role in identifying the requirements of Deep Learning, functional safety, and design the underlying algorithms.

DTI will also be leading a customization and implementation of the of the open-ended self-adaptivity models for the robot disassembling case study, paving the ground thus to a large exploitation of the project results in industry, building upon DTI’s programming by demonstration test bed.

DTI in Odense has 2800 m2 of robot halls where we exhibit and investigate new technologies from technology providers and robot developers, and house start-up companies. Robot halls and research labs include 19 industrial robot cells, 8 professional service robots, several industrial grade sensors, vision solutions, safety equipment and robot tools.

Contact details

Asset 25


o Forskerparken 10, 5230 Odense M, Denmark
o +45 72 20 15 41

Team members involved in RoboSAPIENS

Mikkel Labori Olsen

Jens Martinus Pedersen
Head of Section Busniess development center for robotics